
Sep 2024
Congratulations to Pegah for receiving the NIH AIM-AHEAD Fellow

Sep 2024
Three papers are presented in IEEE QuantumWeek!

Aug 2023
I am promoted to a tenured associate professor!

Jun 2023
Our OAC Core proposal on building noise mitigation on quantum learning applications is funded by NSF! PI: Qiang Guan

Jan 2023
I receive the 2023 New Faculty Outstanding Research and Scholarship Award (ORSA) of Kent State University.

Jan 2023
I receive the NSF CAREER award, Thanks NSF

Dec 2022
Our MathNet project is funded by ASSISTments Foundation! Co-PI: Qiang Guan

Aug 2022
Our CyberTraining proposal is funded by NSF! PI: Qiang Guan (Solo)

Jul 2022
Our OAC Core: Intepretable Resilience Analysis is funded by NSF! PI: Qiang Guan (Solo)

Jul 2022
Our PPoSS Planning Proposal on Probablistic Graph is funded by NSF

Jul 2022
Our PPoSS Planning Proposal on Quantum-Classic System Software Stack is funded by NSF

Jul 2022
Two papers are accepted by IEEE Quantum Week

Jun 2022
Our QuFi paper is accepted by DSN 2022!

Jun 2022
Our VACSEN paper is accepted by IEEE VIS 2022!

Jul 2021
Our Intercep Map paper is accepted by IEEE VIS 2021!

Apr 2021
Yuxin will join LANL as a summer intern and Betis will join TACC as a summer intern

Mar 2021
Betis’s paper was selected as the Best of SELSE and will be presented in DSN 2021. Congratulations

Feb 2021
Dr. Guan joined Brain Health Research Institute (BHRI)

Mar 2020
Qiang organized the student quantum program competition in SELSE 2020

Mar 2020
[paper]Chaser is accepted at DSN 2020

Mar 2020
Yuxin will join LANL summer school 2020 as an intern

Sep 2019
Qiang is invited by CRA workshop, CCC Wide-Area Data Analytics workshop

Aug 2019
Qiang joined the Extended Reality Initiative (XRi) project at Kent State. He is leading the VR software team

Jun 2019
[Paper]Our collaborative paper with GaTech is accepted by SC’19

May 2019
[Lab]Welcome Shaolun and Yuxin, who are joining the lab from fall 2019.

May 2019
[Award]Our STREAM project on smart translation for multi-culture pupulations is funded by CCI Research and Creative Activity Fund (RACAF) of Kent State University.

April 2019
[Award]We are awarded by DoE Los Alamos National Laboratory for developing scheduling system for new generation HPC-cloud system.

March 2019
[Paper]Our collaborative paper is accepted by ICS 2019.

January 2019
[Lab]Betis Joins the team. Welcome!

January 2019
[Lab]As a participate of DoE ECP project, Dr. Guan and Paul Bryant are invited to give a tutorial at ECP annual meeting.

December 2018
[Paper]Two papers are presented at IEEE Bigdata ‘18.

December 2018
[Lab]Paul Bryant successfully defensed his MS thesis. He will join New Mexico Consortium as a system engineer.

August 2018
[Award]We are awarded by DoE Los Alamos National Laboratory for studying soft errors in next generation HPC systems.

August 2018
[Paper]Our collaborative paper is accepted by SC’18

August 2018
[Lab]Safa, Hailong, Zhengyong join the team

May 2018
[Paper]Our BEEFlow paper is accepted by ICDCS’18

January 2018
[Lab]Dr. Guan joined the CS department of Kent State University